Standing here in an empty place; looking out into the nothingness, I wonder if there's anything out beyond the edge of the galaxy. Is there anything; something left for me to grab onto and pull myself forward? I want to move forward; to soar, to fly. My goals, my dreams, they mean everything to me. Someday, I'll be beyond simply reaching for the stars, I'll be amongst them, but you'll never see it. Those stars, you'll never see them shine, because they live within my soul, where they give forth light and warmth to my words that you're reading. I want my words, my thoughts to be free, free to create more, but you'll never see them because you don't believe that I can bring beauty and meaning to life. All you see are my weaknesses and my flaws, which keep you from seeing the good things in my life. Sometimes, I think that you don't see me at all and it hurts. I try to hide my feelings and my words from eyes so; you don't cast dirt upon them. Nothing, I do ever seems to please you, so why should I fight it? Why should I raise above your expectations? I do what I do, because you say that I can't. Know that I'm marching forward and looking towards the future with my head held high, and I won't let anything drag me down. I will climb so high that everyone will see me and know that I've made it after all.