I was on my way home after visiting a family friend. Sunday, I was on the smart phone and got onto Facebook. Everyone seemed to be talking about Orlando and it seemed bad. It wasn't until I got home and got online that I read what had happened. At first there was horror. I was scared for a second and then when watched 2Beeps videos on youtube. I'll put links to their videos at the end of this post. Their videos made me realize that I can't be afraid. We can't be afraid. There are people out there who hate us; people who want us dead just because of our sexual orientation. We survived Stonewall, we went through some truly dark days, and I know we will come away from this attack stronger. What I have seen in the wake of the shooting? I've seen people as far away as California in tears over what happened in Florida. I've heard more talk of gun control. It sickens me to think that this guy was able to get his hands on his weapons. He never should have been able to get the weapons. We need to enforce the laws that we have now. I understand that we are now getting the names of some of the victims along with the names we are getting their stories. Stories like one of a boyfriend who was shot in the back while trying to save his boyfriend. I heard about a guy who was hiding in the bathroom texting his mom. One of the final texts that he sent was to tell his mom that the shooter was in the bathroom. In the end, the shooter would claim 50 lives and injuried 53. While this attack was horrible and sad, we cannot allow this video to make us fearful. We need to hold be proud of who we are and we need to stand together. If you can do something to help then do it. If you can't and you believe in prayer, pray for the families and the victims. Stay strong, Stay true to who you, and don't allow fear to creep into your soul.