Back in 1999 as some of my long time readers know or may not know, I was engaged to be married in one of the LDS temples. I was to be married in April 2000 in the Chicago temple. Ended up not getting married and by not getting married, I was allowed to fully face my sexuality. Okay so maybe not completely face it but to begin to face it. Yes, I knew that I was gay at the time that I was engaged, but I really believed that marriage and the relationship therein would keep my sexuality at bay. Course, I knew better and I know better.
If you're new to the blog then here is some LDS doctrine for you Mormons who marry in the temple are not married till death do they part but for eternity. For me this meant facing eternity with someone that I loved but it wouldn't be enough to keep to keep my sexuality from showing through. I will always have that attraction for men in me and even if I never cheated on her physically, my eyes and mind would not be one hundred percent hers. I could never do that to someone, and I am very glad that she called things off. I digress.
Never having entered the temple myself, although I know there sacred. Entering the temple while still very important is not something that is in my future. I will not enter into the temple unworthily. Doing so would not provide any good vibes. Anyways, I am going to run.
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